Guayaquil city. Other locations available on request
Early departure from Guayaquil Hotel.
Optional: early pick up from Guayaquil airport
Horned Screamer, Limpkin,Peruvian Meadowlark, Magnificent Frigatebird, Roseate Spoonbill, Royal Flycatcher, Black-bellied Whistling-Duck, Fulvous Whistling-Duck, Rufescent Tiger-Heron, White Ibis, White-cheeked Pintail
Pick up at Guayaquil Hotel and continue to Manglares-Churute which is 1 hour from Guayaquil.
E-bird Hotspot Link. Click Here
Lunch and visit to “La Lagartera”.
E-bird Hotspot Link. Click Here
Evening, 2 hours ride to Umbrellabird Lodge. Dinner and sleep.
Long-wattled Umbrellabird, Rufous-headed Chachalaca, Chestnut-backed Antbird, El Oro Parakeet, El Oro Tapaculo
Breakfast and full day birding at Buenaventura Reserve.
E-bird Hotspot Link. Click Here
Lunch and continue birding in the reserve.
Dinner and lodging at Umbrellabird Lodge.
Long-wattled Umbrellabird, Rufous-headed Chachalaca, Chestnut-backed Antbird, El Oro Parakeet, El Oro Tapaculo, White-headed Brushfinch, Ash-breasted Sierra-Finch, Short-tailed Woodstar
Birding in Buenaventura Reserve.
E-bird Hotspot Link. Click Here
After breakfast, continue to Urraca Lodge with lunch on the way and stop at El Empalme.
E-bird Hotspot Link. Click Here
Dinner and lodging at Urraca Lodge.
Amazilia Hummingbird, Whooping Motmot, Henna-hooded Foliage-gleaner, White-tailed Jay, Ecuadorian Piculet, White-edged Oriole
Full day birding in Jorupe Reserve.
E-bird Hotspot Link. Click Here
Lunch and continue birding in this amazing reserve.
Dinner and lodging at Urraca Lodge.
Rainbow Startfrontlet, Purple-throated Sunangel, Line-cheeked Spinetail, Black-crested Tit-Tyrant, Black-cowled Saltator
Early check-out and departure to Utuana Reserve which is 1 hour from the lodge.
E-bird Hotspot Link. Click Here
Continue to Vilcabamba city.
Dinner and lodging at Vilcabamba city.
Neblina Metaltail, Rainbow-bearded Thornbill, Loja Tapaculo, Black-headed Hemispingus, Masked Mountain-Tanager
Full day birding in Cerro Toledo.
E-bird Hotspot Link. Click Here
Continue to Casa Simpson Lodge
Dinner and lodging at Casa Simpson Lodge.
Jocotoco Antpitta, Amethyst-throated Sunangel, Rufous-capped Thornbill, Bearded Guan, Chusquea Tapaculo
Full day birding in Tapichalaca Reserve.
E-bird Hotspot Link. Click Here
Lunch and continue birding in the reserve.
Dinner and lodging at Casa Simpson Lodge.
Marañon Spinetail, Marañon Thrush, Tataupa Tinamou, Russed-crowned Crake, Purple-throated Euphonia, Buff-bellied Tanager
Full day birding in Zumba, Marañon specialties.
E-bird Hotspot Link. Click Here
Lunch and continue birding in this area.
Dinner and lodging at Casa Simpson Lodge.
Masked Saltator, Glowing Puffleg, Barred Fruiteater, Bar-bellied Woodpecker
Birding in Tapichalaca Reserve.
E-bird Hotspot Link. Click Here
After breakfast, check-out and continue to Cajanuma area in Podocarpus National Park.
E-bird Hotspot Link. Click Here
Dinner and lodging at Copalinga Lodge.
Great Tinamou, Coppery-chested Jacamar, Amazonian Umbrellabird, White-breasted Parakeet, Laceolated Monklet
Full day birding in Copalinga Reserve.
E-bird Hotspot Link. Click Here
Lunch and continue birding in the reserve.
Dinner and lodging at Copalinga Lodge.
Great Tinamou, Coppery-chested Jacamar, Amazonian Umbrellabird, White-breasted Parakeet, Laceolated Monklet
Morning birding in Copalinga Reserve.
E-bird Hotspot Link. Click Here
After lunch, continue to Yankuam area.
Dinner and lodging at Yankuam area.
Orange-throated Tanager, White-bellied Pygmy-Tyrant, Zimmer’s Antbird, Fiery-throated Fruiteater, Blackish Pewee, Purplish Jacamar
Full day birding in Yankuam area.
E-bird Hotspot Link. Click Here
Lunch and continue birding in this amazing birding area.
Dinner and lodging at Yankuam area.
Bluish-fronted Jacamar
Morning birding in Yankuam area.
E-bird Hotspot Link. Click Here
After lunch, continue to Yantzaza with birding on the road.
Dinner and lodging in Yantzaza town.
Solitary Eagle, Equatorial Graytail, Spectacled Prickletail, Roraiman Flycatcher, Rufous-browed Tyrannulet
Full day birding in El Zarza.
E-bird Hotspot Link. Click Here
Lunch and continue birding in this area.
Dinner and lodging in Yantzaza town.
Spangled Coquette, Paradise Tanager, Little Woodstar, Amethyst Woodstar, Turquoise Tanager
Morning, birding in Yantzaza area.
E-bird Hotspot Link. Click Here
After lunch, continue to Saraguro Town
Dinner and lodging in Saraguro Town.
Crescent-faced Antpitta, Chestnut-bellied Cotinga, Mountain Caracara, Andean Pygmy-Owl, Red-faced Parrot
Full day birding in Cerro Acanama.
E-bird Hotspot Link. Click Here
Lunch and continue birding in this area.
Dinner and lodging in Saraguro Town.
Blue-throated Hillstar, Viridian Metaltail, Gren-tailed Trainbearer, Red-rumped Bush-Tyrant, Pale-headed Brushfinch
Hotel check-out and early departure to Cerro de Arcos.
E-bird Hotspot Link. Click Here
After lunch, continue to Yunguilla Reserve.
E-bird Hotspot Link. Click Here
Dinner and lodging in Cuenca city.
Violet-throated Metaltail, Blue-mantled Thornbill, Tit-like Dacnis, Giant Conebill
Hotel check-out and early departure to Cajas National Park.
E-bird Hotspot Link. Click Here
Lunch and continue to Guayaquil city to end tour.